Digital platforms take over Turkey

Digital platforms take over Turkey

Digital platforms take over Turkey

According to journalist Hakan Eren, in addition to the Exxen and Gain digital platforms that have entered the market, Disney+  and another international platform are expected to enter the Turkish market in 2021. He did not name the new platform, since there is no clarity yet (apparently we are talking about HBO Max). The state TV channel TRT is preparing to launch its own digital platform.

Blu TV changes its strategy by placing Müge Turali, who is known for her dramas, at the head of the content development department. In this way, TV shows that were intended for a male audience will be balanced by the emergence of content that will appeal to women.

Puhu TV’s digital platform doesn’t seem to be in the race. A number of incorrect strategic decisions made the platform look like an outsider. Its management needs to make a brilliant move to resolve the issue.

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