Director Mu Tunç sues Nukhet Duru

Director Mu Tunç sues Nukhet Duru

Director Mu Tunç sues Nukhet Duru

Director Mu Tunç said he was going to sue to defend his legal rights. As it turned out, for two years he was preparing a documentary about the singer Nukhet Duru, which was supposed to be shown at festivals.

However, due to the pandemic, the rights to the film were bought by  Netflix. He did not receive payment for his work, as well as due interest from the sale of the film, his consent to release the film on the digital platform was not obtained, no contracts were concluded. Moreover, he didn’t even hear the elementary words of gratitude from Mrs. Duru. Mr. Tunç is going to defend his rights in Turkish and foreign courts, because in the film he acted as a director, scriptwriter and editor.