Hazal Kaya said goodbye to the TV series Midnight at the Pera Palace

Hazal Kaya
Hazal Kaya today completed work on the Netflix series Midnight at the Pera Palace, which is filmed by Karga7 Pictures, and posted a farewell to the project on her Instagram.
“Today was the last day of a dreamlike, almost reward-like set for us. I don’t know how many sets one would get to be a part of as an actor/actress, which they’d like to rewind and relive over and over again. Emre Sahin only you could bring such caring and exquisite people together, both towards their work and each other. Thank you so much for letting me take Esra by the hand! My darlings Selahattin Paşalı, Yasemin Swzavlovski, Tansu Biçer, love you all so much! Dearest crew on and off-screen, see you all very soon!”