Digital platforms in Turkey enter into exclusive contracts

Digital platforms in Turkey
Well-known journalist Oya Dogan gave an interview in which she revealed some details of the work of Turkish stars on digital platforms. As it turned out, all 3 international digital platforms in Turkey (Netflix, Disney Plus, HBO Max) decided to work on the “casino” principle. That is, to enter into exclusive contracts with stars who can only work on this platform. And yes, the cost of such contracts is exorbitant. As a result, there will be no stars left on television next season, and this gives a good chance for young actors to prove themselves.
There is no single format for an exclusive contract. It can be concluded for a period of one to five years. Therefore, she was not very surprised by the information that Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ and Beren Saat would work together. Eventually, they both signed with Netflix.