Who’s who in the Disney Plus series Atatürk?

Mehmet Günsür and Aras Bulut İynemli in the series about Atatürk
The series “Atatürk” starring Aras Bulut İynemli, causes a lot of excitement even before the start of filming. And this is no coincidence, because the legendary personality will be embodied on the screen by a legendary actor. What do we know about the cast of the project right now?
One of the most popular digital platforms in the world, Disney Plus kicked off its operations in Turkey with a grand party at a shipyard in Istanbul, which was attended by the official Turkish stars signed to work on Disney projects. Among the most significant stars of the platform are Turkish pop stars Tarkan and Sezen Aksu, the actors Halit Ergenç, Cansu Dere, Engin Akyürek and Aras Bulut İynemli. True, the latter did not appear at the gala opening of the platform for unknown reasons.
One of the most anticipated and most significant Disney Plus projects in Turkey is the series produced by Lanistar Medya about the founder of the Turkish state, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk starring Aras Bulut İynemli. The actor, preparing for the project, studied Arabic, Persian, German and French, read history books and watched documentaries, trying to understand his character as deeply as possible.
The series will also star Mehmet Günsür and Songül Öden as Mustafa Kemal’s parents, while Sahra Şaş will play his sister. Esra Bilgiç will play Madam Corinne Lütfü, an Italian family friend with whom Atatürk corresponded between 1913 and 1917. Bertan Asllani will play Ali Fethi Okyar (the second Prime Minister of Turkey and Speaker of the Turkish Parliament). Sarp Akkaya will appear on the screen as Enver Pasha. Berk Cankat will play Ali Fuat Cebesoy, an associate of the founder of the Republic of Turkey and Speaker of the Turkish Parliament.
Filming of the show will begin at the end of July. The director is Mehmet Ada Öztekin. The project, the first season of which will consist of 6 episodes, will meet with viewers on the day of the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey on October 29, 2023.