Top 10 Turkish TV Series in Google Search

Google Search
On Wednesday, December 7, a New Year’s party was held at the Turkish office of Google, at which the results of 2022 were presented. Google has officially unveiled the top 10 most searched words in Turkey in each category, including the most popular TV shows.
The most wanted Turkish series in search engine trends in Turkey in 2022 are:
10. The Bad Penny / Üç Kuruş. Despite the fact that the series did not arouse great enthusiasm among Turkish viewers and was canceled after the first season, Internet users were interested in it.
9. The Trial / Yargı. One of the most successful series in Turkey, which for the second season in a row arouses interest among Turkish viewers and is successfully sold abroad.
8. More beautiful than you / Senden Daha Güzel. Romantic summer comedies are traditionally of interest to young audiences, who are more willing to use modern technologies, including search engines. Alas, the ratings of the series were not as good as the popularity on the net and it was quickly canceled due to low ratings.
7. Prisoner / Mahkum. The project of the well-known producer Fatih Aksoy started very successfully on Turkish air, arousing considerable interest among the audience. Alas, as soon as the script of the original Korean series, on the basis of which the Turkish show was made, ended the scriptwriters could not keep the interest of the audience and the series made an early finale.
6. Midnight at the Pera Palace / Pera Palasta Gece Yarısı. The Netflix series, which aroused great interest from both Turkish and international viewers. Historical fantasy turned out to be a popular genre, and it is not surprising that the shooting of the second season of the popular show will begin in the summer.
5. Erşan Kuneri. Another Netflix series that turned out to be unclaimed by international Netflix subscribers, but made a big splash in Turkey. There is a simple explanation for this – national humor is often not very understandable to people who do not belong to this culture, but comedy series and films often become ratings leaders in the country of origin.
4. Dusty shore / Tozlu Yaka. The summer series, which, as expected, aroused interest among the youth audience, which explains the interest in it in search engines. Alas, this did not affect the television ratings: the show is at the bottom of the rating table.
3. Life as it is / Gelsin Hayat Bildiği Gibi. Although the series began in the summer and a fairly large part of the plot is devoted to the youth cast, it cannot be called a typical summer series. The show is successfully held in the ratings and arouses considerable interest not only in social networks, but also among ordinary viewers.
2. Hear me / Duy Beni. Once again, a summer youth story tops searches, providing a clear indication of which age group of its viewers is most digitally active. Again, alas, this does not affect the ratings in any way. The TV show has already made its final due to the low ratings.
1. Golden Boy / Yalı Çapkını. This time, the interests of the young audience using modern technologies and the older audience watching TV coincided completely. The series by OGM Pictures not only tops Google trends, but also tops the ratings in Turkey, becoming the most watched series of this year.
Many Turkish celebrities were present at the year-end announcement party, including Hande Erçel, Ezgi Mola, Bensu Soral, Miray Daner, Şükrü Özyıldız, Ekin Koç and many others.