Rating for Friday, April 7

Ratings of Turkish TV
The series “Yalı Çapkını” lost 0.03% in total, but increased by 0.48% in AB. Producer Onur Güvenatam’s show remains the most popular series in Turkey throughout the season, holding a huge audience in front of the screens. Despite all the outrage over the slow pace of events, the writers know how to keep viewers engaged, and this means that we have a real hit on our hands.
The series “Kızılcık Şerbeti” lost 1.42% in total and 1.31% in AB. Unfortunately, after a successful plot twist with a forced wedding, the writers have yet to offer a story that will keep viewers engaged, leading to a gradual decline in the audience. Whether the writers can handle this difficult task will be shown in the coming weeks.
The series “Ateş Kuşları” lost 0.08% in total and 0.32% in AB. Producer Mehmet Bozdağ’s show is quite successful, although it did not become a big hit. Whether it will be renewed for the next season will be decided by the ratings of the next three episodes.
The series “Barbaros Hayreddin” lost 0.07% in total and 0.24% in AB. The state-owned TV show will end on the 21st episode. Unfortunately, the hopes that were placed on the series turned out to be in vain. So far, Turkish filmmakers have been unable to handle such a large and complex project.
The series “Tuzak” lost 0.09% in total but increased by 0.10% in AB. Despite low ratings, the TV8 channel’s show successfully finished the season thanks to the fact that the channel owner had the rights to sell the series abroad.
1. Yalı Çapkını – 10.08%⬇
2. Kızılcık Şerbeti – 7.85%⬇
3. Ateş Kuşları – 5.19%⬇
32. Barbaros Hayreddin – 1.28%⬇
65. Tuzak – 0.69%⬇
1. Kızılcık Şerbeti – 10.83%⬇
2. Yalı Çapkını – 8.14%⬆
8. Ateş Kuşları – 2.74%⬇
45. Barbaros Hayreddin – 0.76%⬇
67. Tuzak – 0.51%⬆