The legal dispute over the TV series “Kızılcık Şerbeti” continues

Cranberry Sherbet / Kızılcık Şerbeti

Cranberry Sherbet / Kızılcık Şerbeti

Senih Ozay, the father of the famous actress and screenwriter Gupse Ozay, along with his colleagues Murat Fatih Ulkuy and Hilal Elbuken, has filed a lawsuit in the Ankara Administrative Court against the ruling issued by RTÜK regarding the TV series “Cranberry Sherbet / Kızılcık Şerbeti”. They believe that it is their right and duty as citizens to live in a democratic and secular legal state in accordance with Article 2 of the Constitution.

The main focus of the series is on the events that occur after the marriage between the son of a conservative family and the daughter of a more liberal family. There are opinions that the political power interfered with constitutional freedoms and tried to change the social structure in a more conservative direction. The lawyers are confident in the correctness of their demands and aim to protect the constitutional freedoms and democratic rights of citizens.

Meanwhile, it has been reported that the lawyers of Show TV have exercised their right to appeal on Monday morning regarding this unprecedented punishment. According to the latest information, the higher court has considered the appeal and suspended the execution of the punishment, also requiring RTÜK to present its arguments to the commission.

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