The creators of the “Şahmaran” series are being sued

Yonca Sencar has filed a lawsuit claiming that the characters and main theme of her work were used in the Netflix series “Şahmaran”. The defendants are screenwriter Pınar Bulut, producers Tims&B, and Netflix representatives.
Yonca Sencarclaims that the plot of the “Şahmaran” series was taken from her book “The Revenge of Şahmaran”, published in 2016. The book tells the story of a girl who, after losing her family, tries to start a new life in a small town called Tarsus but gets involved in strange events. The author asserts that the characters and fantasy elements of the series were borrowed from her book, not from “Şah-i Mar”, written by Emina Buzkana in 2010.