Judicial verdict in the Hazal Kaya case

Hazal Kaya
The court has reached a verdict in the case of Hazal Kaya, who was accused of insulting the soldier Musa Orhan (convicted of the rape of Ipek Er, leading to her suicide). Hazal faced a potential sentence of up to 2 years and 4 months of imprisonment for “insult.”
However, the court decided not to hold the actress accountable, stating that she expressed her dissatisfaction with the wrongful act. The actress’s lawyer stated, “We are confident that this decision will set a precedent and have an impact. Thus, it will be clear that the judicial system should not be used to build a profitable model at the expense of the life of a young woman whose life was stolen.” Hazal expressed her joy about the decision in her note: “Very glad. I hope this decision will set a precedent.”