Rating for Sunday, January 14, 2024

Ratings of Turkish TV
The series “Intelligence (Teşkilat)” grew by 0.29% in total but lost 0.57% in AB. The show of the state channel TRT1 remains stable and popular on Turkish screens for four seasons and is likely to be renewed for a fifth season.
The series “Dirty Basket (Kirli Sepeti)” lost 0.73% in total but grew by 0.14% in AB. Producer Fatih Aksoy’s show has found its audience, and its results look quite stable despite small fluctuations in ratings, which are quite normal.
The series “Family Secrets (Yargı)” lost 0.37% in total and 0.04% in AB. The show of Ay Yapim remains one of the most successful series of producer Kerem Çatay in recent years. The third season will be its last, and the series is approaching its finale with a decent result.
The series “Stars Far Away from Me (Yıldızlar Bana Uzak)” lost 0.43% in total and 0.14% in AB. The ongoing decline from the third episode does not bode well for the show. The ATV channel may take the series off the air without even showing the last episode.
The series “What Ships I Burned (Ne Gemiler Yaktım)” lost 0.49% in total and 0.55% in AB. It seems that this show of producer Kerem Çatay did not succeed, and it remains only to acknowledge its failure. Fans may receive news of the finale at any moment.
2. Intelligence (Teşkilat) – 5.45%⬆
3. Dirty Basket (Kirli Sepeti) – 5.14%⬇
4. Family Secrets (Yargı) – 4.87%⬇
14. Stars Far Away from Me (Yıldızlar Bana Uzak) – 2.27%⬇
20. What Ships I Burned (Ne Gemiler Yaktım) – 1.56%⬇
1. Family Secrets (Yargı) – 6.40%⬇
3. Intelligence (Teşkilat) – 4.55%⬇
5. Dirty Basket (Kirli Sepeti) – 3.51%⬆
15. Stars Far Away from Me (Yıldızlar Bana Uzak) – 1.59%⬇
24. What Ships I Burned (Ne Gemiler Yaktım) – 1.09%⬇