Rating for Thursday, January 18, 2024

Ratings of Turkish TV
The series “Boundless Love (Hudutsuz Sevda)” lost 0.88% in total and 0.14% in AB. The show, produced by Fatih Aksoy, has already gained its audience, and it is unlikely that anything threatens it. Minor fluctuations in ratings are quite normal and do not affect anything. Apparently, if there is no rapid collapse of the viewership (which is unlikely), the series will be renewed for a second season.
The series “Hide Me (Sakla Beni)” grew by 0.22% in total but lost 0.22% in AB. Although the audience for the show by producer Onur Guvenatam is not as large as for his other hits, it is stable and satisfies advertisers, meaning the series will comfortably reach the end of the season.
The series “Betrayal (Aldatmak)” lost 0.20% in total but grew by 0.34% in AB. The show by producer Timur Savci enjoys the love of Turkish viewers, although it is not a big hit. Stability allows it to attract good advertisers, and there is no fear for its fate.
The series “Kara” lost 0.41% in total and 0.76% in AB. Unfortunately, despite the attempt at rebranding and even changing the show’s name, it did not help make the script more interesting. It seems that in the near future, we will hear about the closure of this project.
1. Boundless Love (Hudutsuz Sevda) – 6.09%⬇
5. Hide Me (Sakla Beni) – 4.70%⬆
6. Betrayal (Aldatmak) – 4.58%⬇
29. Kara – 1.32%⬇
2. Boundless Love (Hudutsuz Sevda) – 3.83%⬇
3. Hide Me (Sakla Beni) – 3.57%⬇
4. Betrayal (Aldatmak) – 3.49%⬆
21. Kara – 1.23%⬇