Neslihan Atagül — the queen of Turkish drama

Neslihan Atagül
Neslihan Atagül and Kadir Doğulu, who returned to Turkey after their visit to Miami, shared their impressions of the Turkish Drama Gala they attended and their thoughts on the success of Turkish series abroad.
Neslihan Atagül and Kadir Doğulu, recently invited as guest stars, attended the “Turkish Drama Gala” event in Miami, celebrating the 10th anniversary of the beginning of Turkish series sales in Latin America.
Upon their return, Neslihan Atagül and Kadir Doğulu answered questions from awaiting journalists. Neslihan shared her impressions of the event, saying, “Everything was splendid; we were very well received.” She also mentioned that she has started learning Spanish and was excited about the opportunity to speak the language of the host country.
Responding to questions about the success of Turkish series, the actress emphasized that it is a significant achievement for the industry and something to be proud of. She added, “Turkish series are very successful. We have done excellent work in a short time. The emotions we convey can touch the hearts of both Eastern and Western cultures, and that is very important.”
It’s worth noting that Neslihan received the title of “Queen of Turkish Drama” at the Turkish Drama Gala, which is not surprising given the success of her series “The Ambassador’s Daughter” and “Endless Love” on Spanish-language American channels.