Why Did Furkan Andıç Reject the Role of Emir in “Endless Love”?

Furkan Andıç

Furkan Andıç

Actor Furkan Andıç, known for his roles in “The Witch” and “In the Shadow of 39 Degrees,” gave an extensive interview to Birsen Altuntaş’s YouTube channel, where he discussed his decision to turn down a role in the popular series “Endless Love.”

When asked about any regrets regarding rejected projects, Andıç stated that he had none. He emphasized that his career has unfolded exactly as he expected. The actor noted that he was offered roles in long-term projects lasting 3–4 seasons, but he did not feel confident in his ability to portray those characters.

He specifically addressed his decision to reject the role of Emir Kozcuoğlu in the series “Black Love.” Furkan spoke about his doubts and his candid conversation with producers Kerem Çatay and Hilal Saral. Despite his manager’s surprise, he decided to decline the role, explaining that he did not believe in it.

Furkan noted that the role of Emir suited Kaan Urgancıoğlu perfectly. He expressed satisfaction with the project’s success and Urgancıoğlu’s career growth. According to Furkan, his rejection of the role and Urgancıoğlu’s subsequent success were both inevitable and correct.

The actor stressed the importance of teamwork in film production and his responsibility to the team. He explained that he did not want to let his colleagues down by taking on a role in which he lacked confidence. Furkan is convinced that everything in life happens at the right time, and his decision was the best for both him and the project as a whole.

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