Özcan Deniz or Halit Ergenç: who will co-star with Nurgül Yeşilçay?

Özcan Deniz and Nurgül Yeşilçay
Turkish producers can repeat one of the most legendary duets in the history of Turkish series. Or create a new one. Who will Nurgül Yeşilçay choose: Halit Ergenç or Özcan Deniz?
16 years ago one of the most successful series in Turkish history, “The Mansion with Vines” / Asmalı Konak starring Özcan Deniz and Nurgül Yeşilçay made its final. Several years later the magnificent acting duo repeated the success in the box office, making one of the most popular films “Second Chance” / İkinci Şans. It is noteworthy that Nurgül and Özcan got along well with each other both on the screen and in life and did not mind working together again. Of course, Turkish producers have thought more than once to bring the two superstars together in a new show. And now, it seems, the dream of many fans is about to be realized.
O3 Medya TV company and ATV television channel are preparing a new series King / Kral, in which Özcan Deniz will play a leading role. The project will appear on the air in the winter of 2020. As it became known, the producers sent the script of the series to Nurgül Yeşilçay, and she really liked it. While the actress is on vacation in Bodrum, and she will decide on her return to Istanbul whether she will join the cast of the show or not.
However, everything is not so simple. Ay Yapim television company also wants to get the star in their project “Babylon” / Babil, that is being prepared for one of the digital platforms. Halit Ergenç and Özan Güven are in the cast of the series. Nurgül can accept the O3 Medya offer and play again with Özcan Deniz, or become a co-star of Halit Ergenç.
Which series will the superstar choose? Who will become her new partner: Halit Ergenç or Özcan Deniz? We will get the answer to this question very soon.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylKr9TDnJr8[/embedyt]