Turkish Series News on October 4, 2019
The series Dear Past / Sevgili Geçmiş will air on October 25th on Star TV channel

Dear Past / Sevgili Geçmiş
The series White Cold / Zemheri starring Alperen Duymaz and Ayça Ayşin Turan will be released on Show TV. The production company is Ay Yapim. The director is Hilal Saral.

Стужа / Zemheri
The film “A Miracle in the Seventh Chamber” / 7. Koğuştaki Mucize starring Aras Bulut İynemli will be released on October 11 simultaneously in Turkey and the Middle East

“A Miracle in the Seventh Chamber
On Friday, October 11, TRT1 returns the series Eighties / Seksenler.

Eighties / Seksenler
Vuslat and Kalk Gidelim series were presented with awards by Interior Minister Suleiman Soil at the Traffic Media Awards, for emphasizing traffic rules in their scenes.

Neslihan Atagül who was noticed when leaving the confectionery, admitted that she sometimes likes to treat herself to delicious

Neslihan Atagül
Özcan Deniz, who lived with his ex-wife for some time after the divorce, nevertheless moved to a new house, leaving Feyza Aktan his former villa in Zekeryakoy. For new housing, he will pay 20 thousand lira per month.

Özcan Deniz
The day series The Promise / Yemin bought for broadcast in Poland, India, Lithuania, Romania and Greece

The Promise / Yemin
According to reporters of the 2.Sayfa program, Beren Saat reconciled with her husband and returned home a week ago

Beren Saat
On Friday, October 11, TRT1 will release the new season of the series Eighties / Seksenler.

Восьмидесятые / Seksenler
According to reporters of the 2.Sayfa program, a married couple, Bergüzar Korel and Halit Ergenç are expecting the birth of a boy. Recall that the spouses already have a son Ali

Bergüzar Korel and Halit Ergenç
The presentation of the series Hercai with leading actors will take place on October, 15, in Cannes at the exhibition of media content MIPCOM

Hande Doğandemir at a photo shoot for a new performance

Hande Doğandemir
Kubilay Aka admitted that he would like to try himself on the theatrical stage, but so far not ready for this

Kubilay Aka
Burcu Özberk by Cem Talu

Burcu Özberk
Hande Soral leaves for Cyprus, where she is waiting for work in a new film

Hande Soral
Bestemsu Özdemir will soon return to the screens in the new series. This was announced by the actress herself.

Bestemsu Özdemir
Luxurious beauty Esra Bilgiç

Esra Bilgiç
Looks like Kerem Bursin became interested in photography.

Kerem Bursin
Gizem Karaca – new photo

Gizem Karaca
The premiere of the 4th season of the series Warrior is scheduled for Sunday, October 13

Merve Çagiran on the cover of Women’s Shine

Merve Çagiran
Neslihan Atagül – new photo

Neslihan Atagül
Global Agency Distributor presents Early Bird series on Cannes Media Content Market as World Hit

Early Bird
Ozge Gurel became an ambassador of Penti brand

Ozge Gurel