Hazal Kaya in the TV series Call my agent

Hazal Kaya in the TV series Call my agent
Ay Yapim TV company realized the dream of many viewers of the series Call my agent / Menajerimi Ara. In the next episode, they will meet one of Turkey’s favorite stars, Hazal Kaya. But that is not all.
The shooting of the new film by Medyapim company What Can I Do / Benden ne olur is coming to an end. As you know, the leading star of the project, Hazal Kaya, said that despite the fact that she recently became a mother, she is not going to leave the profession of an actress. It seems her words do not contradict the case.
After the completion of the film, Hazal intends to appear as a guest star in the 8th episode of the series of Ay Yapim Call my agent / Menajerimi Ara. Özge Özpirinçci will also appear in this episode. The fans of the actress joked that their dream of seeing her together with Çağatay Ulusoy in the same TV show came true, but not in the way they thought. Recall that Çağatay also appeared in the series in the 3rd episode.
Also, according to the well-known journalist Birsen Altuntas, the chief producer of OJO Pictures invited the actress to star in the new digital series for the Netflix “Pera”, which is an adaptation of the famous book by Charles King Midnight at the Pera Palace. Negotiations are underway with Tolga Sarıtaş, Okan Yalabik and Aytaç Şaşmaz, who may join the project. Since the book refers to White emigration in Istanbul, Russian actors may also appear in the show.
Previously, Hazal Kaya has already worked with producer Kerem Çatay in the famous TV series Forbidden Love. It is not yet known whether she has given consent to the new project, however, next Tuesday, viewers will see their favorite star on the screen.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxyvEReNCgE[/embedyt]