Rating of Turkish actors in IMDB on November 24, 2020

Ethos / Bir Baskadir
This week, positions in the global IMDB movie database were determined by the release of the Netflix series Ethos / Bir Başkadır. Funda Eryiğit attracted the greatest interest from international audiences. Recall that this is not the first burst of interest in the actress in IMDB, earlier she also hit the top ten thanks to her work in the series The Protector. It is curious that the audience was looking not only for the actors, but also for the director of the project – Berkun Oya, who rose to fifth place, which shows the quality of the series – this is clearly an intellectual product “not for everyone.” Positions this week were distributed as follows:
1. Funda Eryiğit – 142
2. Öykü Karayel – 330
3. Bige Onal – 654
4. Defne Kayalar – 752
5. Berkun Oya – 1.907
6. Nesrin Cavadzade – 1.980
7. Alican Yucesoy – 2.991
8. Tulin Ozen – 3.594
9. Hande Erçel – 4.296
10. Tuba Büyüküstün – 4.680
11. Fatih Artman – 4.784
12. Haluk Bilginer – 4.918
13. Can Yaman – 5.010
14. Ayça Ayşin Turan – 5.073
15. Esra Bilgiç – 5.406
16. Nuri Bilge Ceylan – 6.143
17. Oner Erkan – 6.496
18. Hazar Ergüçlü – 6.850
19. Kerem Bursin – 7.179
20. Cansu Dere – 7.210