Sinem Kobal and Kenan İmirzalıoğlu will take vacation in Bodrum

Sinem Kobal and Kenan İmirzalıoğlu
According to Mehmet Ustundag, the couple Kenan İmirzalıoğlu and Sinem Kobal, who stayed in Selimiye every year, this time decided not to renew the contract for renting the house and turned their attention to Bodrum.
The Selimiye area in Marmaris is preferred by celebrities because of its seclusion, but there are also negative aspects to this: it is not so easy for a couple with a child to get there, and besides, it is necessary to think about the proximity of medical services. That is why Bodrum is more suitable for families with small children. Now Kenan is looking for a suitable home where his beloved women could feel comfortable this summer.