Sinan Akçıl will pay for the accident 17 years ago

Sinan Akçıl and Emel Müftüoğlu

Sinan Akçıl and Emel Müftüoğlu

Sinan Akçıl and Emel Müftüoğlu lost the court case on the claim for compensation for moral and material damage. Courier Ismail Sen filed a lawsuit claiming that Mr. Akçıl had crashed into his motorcycle. Moreover, he was in a car that belonged to Mrs. Müftüoğlu. The court recognized the courier’s rightness and ordered to pay compensation with the interest that had come over the years. The accident happened … in 2004. That is 17 years ago. And all this time the court was slowly considering the complaint. The payment amount will be 6 thousand Turkish lira.