Who became Tolga Sarıtaş’s co-star?

Who became Tolga Sarıtaş’s co-star?
Ay Yapim has finally announced the name of Tolga Sarıtaş’s co-star in the new series Father / Baba. For many, the choice of the actress came as a complete surprise. What happened?
The new winter television season of 2022 will bring Turkish viewers several high-profile returns of their favorite stars, one of which is awaited with special impatience: after all, the only Emmy International winner Haluk Bilginer and the nominee for this prestigious award Tolga Sarıtaş will be filmed in the new series by Ay Yapim.
Traditionally, taking very expensive actors for the main roles, the company’s management decided to save on actresses. While many believed that one of the stars of the Turkish screen would become Tolga’s co-star, the choice fell on the young actress Beril Pozam. The girl is known for her supporting roles in romantic comedies (Love for Show and Island’s Tale). On the other hand, she has a theatrical education, which means there is a hope that she will perform well next to such renowned partners.
Özge Yağız is also in the cast of the project. She will play the sister of the protagonist named Busra. According to the scenario, the young woman will return to the parental home after the divorce.
Fans of the stars of the project will have to be patient. As it became known, Tolga Sarıtaş is in quarantine with a diagnosis of coronavirus. Filming has been temporarily stopped.