When will the filming of the “Selahaddin Eyyubi” series starring İlhan Şen begin?

Sultan Selahaddin Ayyubi
Great news for İlhan Şen’s fans! Work on the historical series “Selahaddin Eyyubi” featuring the actor continues, and we already know some interesting details.
In recent weeks, İlhan Şen’s fans were disappointed with the lack of information about their favorite actor’s new series. He signed a contract to appear in the historical project “Selahaddin Eyyubi,” which is being prepared jointly by Akli Film and Ansari Shah Film. A huge set has already been built for filming.
As reported by well-known journalist Birsen Altuntas, preparations for filming are still ongoing, with filming postponed until the summer. The series is directed by Emir Khalilzadeh, and the screenplay is written by Isa Yildiz, who was previously the second screenwriter for the series “Alparslan: The Great Seljuks.”
It should be noted that Neslihan Atagül was offered a role in the cast of the “Selahaddin Eyyubi” series by producer Emre Konuk, where she would play İlhan Şen’s co-star. It is not yet known if she has accepted the offer.