Demet Ozdemir to star in a festival movie?

Demet Ozdemir
In her recent interview, Demet Ozdemir expressed her admiration for the work of her colleague Merve Dizdar and admitted that she would also like to work in festival films.
Merve Dizdar, who received an award for Best Actress at the Cannes Film Festival for her role in the film “Over Dry Grass,” directed by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, filled the hearts of Turkish fans with pride. However, some did not miss the opportunity to make their remarks about mistakes in her acceptance speech, as if the actress receives one of the most prestigious awards in the world every day.
Demet Ozdemir, who was upset by the criticism towards her colleague, admitted that she is very happy for Merve and impressed by her achievement. Merve showed her that nothing is impossible. She is proud that women who work hard receive deserving recognition.
When asked if she would like to appear in festival films, the actress replied, “For that, I would need to take a break from the projects I have planned right now. But I do have such plans for the future. If I am offered a good project and I can manage it alongside my main work, then, of course, why not?”