Çağatay Ulusoy surrounded by world stars at Mert Alas party

Çağatay Ulusoy
Çağatay Ulusoy, a Turkish actor and model, attended a party hosted by world-renowned photographer Mert Alas as part of Paris Fashion Week to present his own brand, Seventy One Gin.
The party took place at the Raspoutine nightclub and was attended by world-famous stars, including Kylie Jenner, Kendall Jenner, and Gigi Hadid. Çağatay was the only Turkish actor invited to the event. He wore a shirt from the Maxillaria brand, which was designed by his close friend and personal stylist İlknur Şeref. Şeref thanked the actor for his support.
The day before, he also had dinner with renowned producer Alfredo Torres, who worked on the Netflix series “Love, Death & Robots.”