Elçin Sangu: between success and failure

Elçin Sangu
Fans of Elçin Sangu, known for her role in the series “Love for Rent,” were pleased with her performance in the series “The Stick man / Çöp Adam.” However, they are also concerned about the situation surrounding the show, which concluded with its 30th episode.
Elçin Sangu, born in Izmir in 1985, began her career in 2012. Over 11 years, she has appeared in several successful series, including “Love for Rent,” which brought her international fame. After “Love for Rent,” Elçin struggled to find a role that fully satisfied her fans.
The series “The Stick man / Çöp Adam” became a long-awaited opportunity for Elçin to return to the screens with a strong and unusual role. The first season of the OGM Pictures show was well-received by critics and viewers. However, the second season, which started with a revised storyline, failed to garner sufficient ratings and was prematurely canceled.
Fans of Elçin Sangu believe that the repeated setbacks in the career of their favorite star are the fault of the scriptwriters, who couldn’t create a cohesive story. They hope that the actress will have the opportunity to showcase her talent in other projects.