The New Series “Urban Angels” from the Producers of “The Ottoman”

The Ottoman
Bozdağ Film, known for the popular series “The Foundation: Osman,” is gearing up for the new television season. Filming for the 6th season of “The Ottoman” will begin soon. In addition, the company is working on new projects for television and digital platforms.
One of the new TV show for the ATV channel is a detective series titled “Urban Angels” (Şehrin Melekleri). The script for the series is written by Volkan Girgin. While the director for the project has not yet been selected, negotiations with actors are already underway.
Furthermore, Bozdağ Film is preparing two new projects for digital platforms: one for the TRT Tabii platform and another for GAİN. The historical series for GAİN will be called “Ahmed-i Hane.” Another historical project, being developed by Mehmet Bozdağ and Atilla Engin, is titled “A Thousand and One Nights.”