What Will “Kötü Kan” Surprise Viewers With? Ertan Saban and Damla Sönmez Share Their Impressions

Kötü Kan

Kötü Kan

Ertan Saban and Damla Sönmez shared their thoughts on the new series “Kötü Kan” (Bad Blood), which premiered yesterday. Both actors highlighted that the show will capture the audience’s attention with its dynamic plot, intense action scenes, and multifaceted characters.

Ertan Saban revealed that the idea for the series had been long nurtured by the producer. A strong cast was assembled to bring it to life, including Damla Sönmez, Hüseyin Avni Danyal, and Levent Ülgen. Saban plays Kartal Karaoğlu, a former police officer with a troubled past. After losing his wife, his character cuts ties with his family, but years later reconnects with his children, setting the foundation for the series’ action-driven storyline.

Damla Sönmez expressed her admiration for the depth of character development in the script. She emphasized the importance of creating believable and realistic characters in television series. The actress portrays Nazan Kaya, a strong woman striving to assert herself in a ruthless world. Damla noted that working on this role has been an exceptionally rewarding experience for her.

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