Çağatay Ulusoy told about the series, the beloved and the court

Çağatay Ulusoy
On Sunday, December 2, Hurriyet magazine published a large interview with Çağatay Ulusoy, which he gave to the well-known journalist Ayse Arman. The interview was timed to coincide with the release of the first Turkish-American Netflix series The Protector, which will appear on the platform on December 14 on Friday.

Çağatay Ulusoy
As Ayse reported, Çağatay turned out to be a rather phlegmatic, calm and very closed person who enjoys nature, loves solitude and is not very concerned about his own appearance. He calls himself asocial. His eyes light up when it comes to fishing. His favorite hobby is fishing, hiking in the woods, riding horses. Maybe it was inherited from the Bulgarian ancestors who were professional hunters?

Çağatay Ulusoy
In Çağatay’s career, he goes along with everything, doing his best in a situation that fate gives him and not particularly resisting. He believes that the main thing is to be in the right place at the right time. He was lucky to be on the set of the series “Adini Feriha Koydum” and he does not get tired to thank the people who helped him become an actor – Metin Çekmez, Vahide Perçin, and Hazal Kaya,-. He also notes how much Barış Falay gave him on the set of the TV series Medcezir.

Çağatay Ulusoy and Hazal Kaya
Now Çağatay is in the most important point of his career – his new series can take him to a new height, and maybe drop it. The actor loves to take risks and is not afraid of risk. He doesn’t like to brag about his achievements, he didn’t even tell his sweetheart that he will work with Netflix before he signed the contract.

Çağatay Ulusoy
Speaking of the sweetheart. After so many years, Çağatay finally officially declared that he has a woman who is dear to him. She is not jealous of him when he has to play hot scenes on the set, but this time the scenes with Ayça Ayşin Turan will be especially hot and the public will talk a lot about them. Let’s see how she will react to his work this time.

Çağatay Ulusoy
The journalist did not ignore the unpleasant question about the trial when Çağatay was accused of using drugs. The actor replied that he considered himself responsible before his family, he was very worried about his parents. Six years had passed and he struck the matter out of his life, therefore he is not obliged to explain anything to anyone. He has already learned his lesson. But this is life, nothing can be done; if punished, it means punishment, he does not think about it.