Netflix tries to capture the Turkish TV market

Netflix tries to capture the Turkish TV market
One of the most prestigious world publications dedicated to showbusiness Variety publishes an article devoted to Turkish TV series, timed to the beginning of the exhibition of media content MIPTV. In particular, journalists argue that the economic situation in Turkey has led to adverse consequences for the local television market. The old format of the two-hour episodes is gradually becoming obsolete, and this is recognized by the producers, who try other models, in particular, shorten the duration of the episodes.

The Protector
Alternatively, Variety puts forward Netflix with two projects in the Turkish market. The first is The Protector where the megastar Çağatay Ulusoy (these are the words of the publication) plays the role of a young antiques seller becoming a superhero. Journalists observe the success of the series, shown in 190 countries, which in the first 4 weeks of being on the platform have already watched by 10 million households. The second season of the series starts on April 26th.

The Gift Netflix series
The second is The Gift starring the big Turkish actress Beren Saat, well known to the audience on the Fatmagul TV series, that has become a world hit. The drama containing elements of fiction, will present modern Turkey, as well as the cultural and historical heritage of the country.
According to the publication in conditions when the Turkish TV industry is stalling, Netflix is beginning to establish itself in the market, which is one of the five largest exporters of serial products in the world.