Release date of the series Mr Wrong / Bay Yanlış

Mr Wrong / Bay Yanlış
When will the series Mr. Wrong / Bay Yanlış starring Can Yaman and Ozge Gurel be aired? Will it become popular? Where is the project being filmed right now? We tried to find answers to the questions asked by fans of the stars.
After two months of almost complete absence of new TV shows on air, the Turkish film industry finally coped with the crisis caused by the coronavirus epidemic. On June 1, filming of two summer series of Fox TV channel Mr. Wrong and Knock on my door started. Fans of Can Yaman around the world eagerly awaited the new project of their favorite actor and in honor of the start of the work sent over 100 thousand tweets, thus welcoming the star.
However, the first day of filming took place without Can. The scenes of his co-star Ozge Gurel, who was caught in heavy rain were filmed in the Nisantasi area. However, the rain in the Turkish tradition is a good omen and may herald success for the series. The success of the project was also wished by her beloved Serkan Çayoğlu, congratulating the actress on the start of her work.
As expected, the series Mr. Wrong / Bay Yanlış will be aired in late June or early July. Can Yaman will play a rich playboy, the owner of a luxury club. The house of his character will be the apartment of the famous singer Linet in Ataşehir. The channel is rumored to want to air the project on Tuesday.
So, the premiere of Mr Wrong is only three weeks away, and then the fans of Can Yaman and Ozge Gurel will have to know how successful it will be with Turkish viewers.