Rating of Turkish Netflix TV shows in IMDB on June 23, 2020

Turkish Netflix TV shows in IMDB
The trends of the international movie database IMDB this time were determined by the release of the trailer for the last, fourth season of the series The Protector. For a year and a half, the project remains the most sought-after Turkish platform series for the international audience, which proves the stable interest of the database users.
The series The Gift stabilized, slightly rising and falling in the ranking. Rise of Empires: Ottoman continues to decline smoothly. The youth series Love 101 is the fastest to drop, with interest declining every week.
Also, last week the first Turkish Netflix movie One ticket for tomorrow was released, which is of some interest abroad (in particular, the film hit the Netflix top 10 in Saudi Arabia). In IMDB, the project rose to 551 position among films and to 1382 position among all film productions.
The rating of the original Turkish Netflix TV series this week is as follows:
🦊 TV shows:
The Protector – 525⬆ (+279)
Ottoman Empire Rise – 1063⬇ (-55)
Love 101 – 1203⬇ (-131)
The Gift – 1428⬆ (+40)
🦊 All world film production:
The Protector – 1278⬆ (+1088)
Rise of Empires: Ottoman – 3387⬇ (-199)
Love 101 – 3936⬇ (-498)
The Gift – 4832⬆ (+112)
We remind you that the rating in the database is calculated based on the preferences of 250 million regular users of IMDB and is a very serious indicator for producers.