Elçin Sangu on the cancellation of the series “Good Days Bad Days”

Elçin Sangu
What does Elçin Sangu think about the cancellation of the series “Good Days Bad Days” / İyi Günde Kötü Günde? Why was the series cancelled? How does she feel about imposing the beauty standards that are present in Turkish show business? The journalists got the answer from the star.
The Turkish press informs about the opening of the boutique of Yunus Ozdiken Commun Store, which was attended by his beloved Elçin Sangu. As the actress admitted, she is not a shopaholic. Actually, shopping like crazy is not for her.
She is upset about the cancellation of the series “Good Days Bad Days” / İyi Günde Kötü Günde. In these difficult times, people shouldn’t work only six episodes. They work with loyalty, and even at the cost of their lives, because the pandemic is not over. She has nothing more to add. This story shouldn’t be told in just six episodes. But other things have come into play, and it’s not just about ratings.
Of course, the journalists did not hesitate to ask what she thinks about the words of Hazal Kaya that the producers do not want to cast curvy actresses in the leading roles. Elçin noticed that under the influence of society and producers, actors begin to believe that something is wrong with them. Psychological problems lead to external changes. And then the society begin to criticize them for the same changes. Not everyone has to be perfect, handsome, they just have to do their job well. For example, for a very long time she received offers to play the role of villains. No one could believe that a redhead actress could play an innocent character. It is necessary to destroy the prevailing prejudices.
Both for fans and for the star, the cancellation of the show is very unpleasant news. However, Elçin is still popular and in demand among the producers, which means she will soon appear in a new project that may well be the new top of her career.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGmh6MIFKnE[/embedyt]