Did the producers of the Bergen film give up on Serenay Sarıkaya?

Serenay Sarıkaya
According to journalist Mehmet Çalışkan from Haberturk, unexpected changes have taken place in the production of the film about the singer Bergen. Timur Savci’s TV company TAFF Pictures has refused to continue producing the project. All further development will be carried out by the small company Orchestra Content, created by the authors of the film script. Apparently, Mr. Savci did not believe in the future prospects of the movie and decided to abandon its development.
The journalist points out that the name of the leading actress Serenay Sarıkaya was not mentioned anywhere in the press release about the beginning of preparations for filming. As you know, Serenay had been preparing for a project for three years, which was to become a turning point in her acting career, taking singing lessons in the Arabesque style. True, the Bergen family reacted rather coolly to Serenay’s candidacy, there were rumors about a scandal with the producers. Moreover, her singing teacher suggested that the actress was never able to master the complex genre of Arabesque. Therefore, Mehmet Çalışkan wonders whether Serenay remained in the film or was her candidacy rejected?