Why did Neslihan Atagül leave the series Ambassador’s Daughter?

Ambassador’s Daughter
O3 Medya has launched a feverish campaign to justify the unprecedented departure of the leading actress of the series Ambassador’s Daughter / Sefirin Kizi Neslihan Atagül.
Although many people are happy that Tuba Büyüküstün joined the cast of the TV show, the situation itself looks rather unfortunate. The journalist Birsen Altuntas explains Neslihan’s departure is due to serious health problems, pointing to the fact that the scriptwriters had to rewrite the story literally on the go because of the problem.
She claims that the plot of the series will continue in Bodrum, where Tuba Büyüküstün will come. The actress decided to help her friends who were in a difficult situation and so agreed to join the cast. The actress stated that she was beginning a journey that she already knew, but it would be unique. Together with dear partner Engin and beloved screenwriter Eylem, as well as Star TV, with whom she already had projects. It’s like breathing fresh air.
However, the well-known journalist Ranini reacted quite harshly to this situation: “You have received a business proposal. You accepted it. Okay let’s do it, good luck. Why turn it into something romantic and present it as humanitarian aid (literally “the activity of the red crescent”)?
So, what really happened? Why did Neslihan leave? Is it true that Tuba decided to help friends who are in trouble? Why did the journalist react so sharply to Tuba’s words? We can only hope that the situation will be clarified, and we will find out the truth.