Rating of Turkish Digital TV shows in IMDB on May 19, 2021

This week, the position of Turkish digital projects in the international movie database IMDB continued to be determined by the success of the new Turkish TV Netflix series Fatma, which, however, lost a little in the rating. Considering that interest in projects on Netflix is short-lived, this is a completely normal process. The series Rise of Empires: Ottoman is literally 5 points ahead of the series The Protector, while both projects have grown. The positions of the rest of the series in relation to each other have not changed.
Positions in IMDB for digital projects this week were distributed as follows:
✨Fatma – 314⬇
📍Rise of Empires: Ottoman – 1211⬆
📍The Protector – 1216⬆
📍Ethos – 1218⬇
📍Yesilçam – 1513⬇
📍The Gift – 1865⬇
📍50m2 – 2270⬆
📍Love 101 – 2371⬇