İrem Helvacıoğlu became Engin Akyürek’s co-star

İrem Helvacıoğlu became Engin Akyürek’s co-star
Fans of Engin Akyürek are eagerly awaiting new information about the star’s new project, which will be released on the Disney Plus digital platform. It looks like the creators have finally decided on the actress who will become Engin’s co-star in this series.
According to the well-known journalist Birsen Altuntas, Engin Akyürek’s co-star in the new series Escape / Kaçış, which is being prepared by Same Film and 03 Medya, is İrem Helvacıoğlu. Recall that İrem just finished filming in the TV series Trouble on my head, but did not remain without work for a long time, joining the show of the digital platform Disney Plus.
The story is authored by Engin Akyürek. This is not a remake of the famous American TV series Prison Break, as many assumed. The actor will play the journalist Mehmet. The details of the story are not yet known. The Disney Plus platform will open in Turkey next summer, probably then the audience will see the long-awaited series with their favorite actors.