Turkish film breaks world record on Disney Plus

Şahan Gökbakar
Great news for fans of Turkish show business. Films and series produced in Turkey feel great on digital platforms, setting new records, sometimes even world records.
One of the most beloved Turkish comedians, Şahan Gökbakar, has signed a contract with the digital platform Disney Plus to broadcast his new film of the famous franchise “Recep İvedik”. Note that two of the movies dedicated to the ridiculous, but very charming character, who is so loved in Turkey, head the top of the most popular Turkish films of all time.
On December 9, Disney Plus released the 7th film in the Recep İvedik franchise, which brought the digital platform one million new subscribers at once, which is a world record. Şahan Gökbahar has already begun preparations for the 8th and 9th parts of the franchise, which Disney Plus definitely wants to get their hands on.
Also, the actor and producer is preparing for Disney Plus a new show “Erdal and Ece”, directed by Togan Gökbahar. The series, which in a humorous form will tell about the relationship between a man and a woman, will hit the set in the new year. Casting of the project continues.