What happened between Akın Akınözü and Ebru Şahin?

Ebru Şahin and Akın Akınözü

Ebru Şahin and Akın Akınözü

Birsen Altuntas, answering questions about the conflict between Akın Akınözü and Ebru Şahin on the set of the series “Hercai,” shared some details. She reported that during the first year of working together, they had a friendly and calm atmosphere. However, after the second season, the relationship between the actors deteriorated. Filming outside of Istanbul proved to be difficult, and at that time, Akın was less stable than he is now. Birsen noted that Akın is a talented actor, but no one should be rude to their partner on the set. Tension grew, and conflicts on the set became more frequent. In such cases, producers should have the skills and abilities to resolve such crises.

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