Secrets of the Star: Who Is the Mysterious Lady Next to Çağatay Ulusoy?

Çağatay Ulusoy
Çağatay Ulusoy is rarely caught by paparazzi lenses, who are eager to find out who the star of the series ‘No Mercy’ is currently dating. Recall that he broke up with his beloved Duygu Sarışınlast year, and since then the press has attributed several new romances to him, but none of the rumors have been confirmed. Yesterday, Çağatay was spotted in the company of friends in the Bebek district. Upon noticing journalists, the actor immediately entered a club to avoid being caught on camera and called a sea taxi. Paparazzi noticed a young woman next to him, who preferred to cover her face. Now the entire Turkish press is actively discussing who this stranger could have been.