The series “The Ottoman” will be presented in Cannes

The Ottoman
The release of this series is expected by millions of fans. However, since last week the crazy rumors have been going around the fate of The Ottoman series. Are they true? We tried to find out about it for you!
The Resurrection Osman series has recently changed its title and will be aired on ATV as The Ottoman / Foundation Osman. After producer Mehmet Bozdağ announced a new grandiose project together with Uzbek filmmakers “Celâleddin Harezmşah”, panic rumors spread around the social networks that Osman series might be canceled. The producer hastened to reassure fans, promising to release a teaser for the project next week. Alas, the week passed, but the audience did not see the teaser. And it turned out to be no coincidence.
Mehmet Bozdağ is famous for its thorough preparation and apparently he found it impossible to present to the audience a product that was not quite ready in his opinion. Moreover, in recent days he has been busy preparing a teaser for the new film “Turks are coming” / Türkler Geliyor, which was released on Monday. As a result, the release of the teaser of the series The Ottoman was again delayed. However, everyone who is worried about the fate of the show needs to remember that Turkish producers very often do several projects at once (sometimes up to 10 shows per season), so there is no reason to panic, everything will be done on schedule.
It also became known that Mehmet Bozdağ will present The Ottoman / Kuruluş Osman series during the MIPCOM 2019 media content exhibition in Cannes. The international press is invited to a special private viewing of the teaser of the series on October 15 at 13:30 at the Le Grand Hotel. Ottoman-style decor, which is used in the series, will be built in the hotel’s garden. Burak Özçivit will personally present the show for the foreign buyers.
But the good news for all fans of the series and its leading actor that Mehmet Bozdağ has not disappointed the hopes and released the long-awaited teaser, without waiting for the presentation in Cannes. The audience first met with the founder of the Ottoman Empire, Osman Gazi, performed by Burak Özçivit. And this means that the premiere of the new series is very soon.