Rating of Turkish Netflix TV shows in IMDB on May 12, 2020

Turkish Netflix TV shows in IMDB
The trends of the international movie database IMDB last week were quite predictable. After a rather weak rise, the series Love 101 went down sharply, losing 152 points among television shows and 260 points among all television production.
The interest of the project from a foreign audience was rather weak and is rapidly declining. Recall that according to the results of the TV Time, Love 101 turned out to be the first Turkish Netflix series, which did not make it into the top ten popular TV series in the world, unlike its “predecessors”.
All other Netflix series of production in Turkey fluctuated within their own limits, adding and falling in the popularity rating in the same range. It seems that the series The Protector still causes the greatest interest among foreign audiences in the long term.
However, everything can change with the release of the new season of the series The Gift. While the project looks like an outsider, but perhaps its creators will correct the situation. Moreover, Netflix decided to change the script team, reinforcing it with the scriptwriters who worked on The Protector.
The rating of the original Turkish Netflix TV series this week is as follows:
🦊 TV shows:
Love 101 – 232⬇ (-152)
The Protector – 537⬇ (-39)
Rise of Empires: Ottoman – 762⬆ (+48)
The Gift – 1081⬇ (-66)
🦊 All world film production:
Love 101 – 371⬇ (-260)
The Protector – 1272⬇ (-92)
Rise of Empires: Ottoman – 2161⬆ (+178)
The Gift – 3520⬇ (-273)
We remind you that the rating in the database is calculated based on the preferences of 250 million regular users of IMDB and is a very serious indicator for producers.