11 most popular Turkish TV shows abroad

11 most popular Turkish TV shows abroad
Despite the fact that the duration of the Turkish series compared to the television products of other countries is too long, the demand for Turkish TV shows in the world is constantly growing. Currently, 650 million people watch Turkish TV series and their number is constantly increasing. So which projects are most popular with foreign viewers?
- The Magnificent Century / Muhteşem Yüzyıl – the historical series about the Ottoman Empire enjoys special love in the Middle East, the Balkans, Europe and Latin America. The series is a leader in audience abroad. It was watched by more than 500 million viewers in 70 countries.
- What is Fatmagül’s crime? / Fatmagül’ün Suçu Ne – this series takes the second place among the most popular Turkish projects in foreign countries. Social drama has aroused interest even in those countries where usually Turkish TV shows are not in demand, for example, in France. And in Spain they even decided to make their own remake.
- Forbidden Love / Aşk-ı Memnu – despite the fact that 10 years have passed since the broadcast of the series it is still vigorously debated on social networks and constantly parodied. The project is of great interest in European and Arab countries.
- Leyla and Majnun / Leyla ile Mecnun – a comedy series that enjoys great love in the Middle East and causes considerable interest among users of the digital platform Netflix.
- Sıla – can claim to be a veteran among the series. The project, which was shown in 2006, is still of interest to foreign viewers. It had particularly high ratings in the Middle East, the Balkans, Chile and Peru.
- 1001 Nights / Binbir Gece – the series starring Halit Ergenç and Bergüzar Korel, is one of the most popular Turkish TV shows today. It was broadcast in more than 55 countries, making a splash in the Middle East and Latin America.
- Insider / Içerde – Çağatay Ulusoy is popular not only in Turkey, but also abroad. The series, which was released in 2016, led the ratings in Chile and Georgia, was a huge success in Pakistan, India, Romania, Ethiopia.
- The girl named Feriha / Adını Feriha Koydum – a series starring Çağatay Ulusoy and Hazal Kaya became a real phenomenon in the Arab countries, the Balkans and Latin America. It is the most popular Turkish series that was shown in India.
- Resurrection Ertugrul / Diriliş Ertuğrul – a series that foreigners call the “Turkish Game of Thrones,” breaks record ratings, especially in Pakistan. Also, the historical project arouses the lively interest of the audience of Netflix.
- Asi – the series starring Murat Yildirim and Tuba Büyüküstün was very popular in the Middle East and was shown in 67 countries of the world.
- The Protector / Hakan Muhafiz – the first Turkish Netflix series starring Çağatay Ulusoy, that remains the most popular Turkish project of the platform abroad till now.
Every year, the Turkish serial industry releases new projects that try to win not only Turkish, but also foreign audiences. Will the producers be able to offer the new TV shows that will turn out to be worthy successors of old favorite masterpieces? Or the future belongs to the international digital platforms that have joined this endless race?
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