Rating of Turkish Netflix TV shows in IMDB on June 16, 2020

Turkish Netflix TV shows in IMDB
The trends of the international movie database IMDB last week were determined by a gradual decline in interest in all Turkish Netflix TV shows. It is possible that the situation will change next month with the release of the last 4th season of the series The Protector.
By the way, The Protector continues to be the leader among the original Netflix Turkish products in the database, having had the best performance for two years (not counting the ups caused by the release of new products). On the whole, Rise of Empires: Ottoman is also very stalbe. But Love 101 and The Gift continue to lose ground faster than competitors.
The rating of the original Turkish Netflix TV series this week is as follows:
🦊 TV shows:
The Protector – 804⬇ (-86)
Rise of Empires: Ottoman – 1008⬇ (-81)
Love 101 – 1072⬇ (-114)
The Gift – 1468⬇ (-156)
🦊 All world film production:
The Protector – 2366 ⬇ (-311)
Rise of Empires: Ottoman – 3,188 ⬇ (-366)
Love 101 – 3438⬇ (-500)
The Gift – 4944 ⬇ (-587)
We remind you that the rating in the database is calculated based on the preferences of 250 million regular users of IMDB and is a very serious indicator for producers.