Rating of Turkish Netflix movies

Netflix Turkish Movies

Netflix Turkish Movies

Rating of films produced in Turkey by Netflix. As the platform only started providing the results of watching hours this year, previous results are given by “points” – official Netflix data on the position of the film in the top and on the duration of stay in the top (1st position gives 10 points and then in descending order). Some new films did not make it into the top10 by viewing time due to their low popularity among viewers, so there is no data on them either:

📌 In good hands – 33 million 103 thousand viewers (6,084 points) – 48,000,000 watching hours

📌 Paper Lives – 5,647 points (Netflix did not provide viewing data at the time of the release)

📌 Love tactics – 27 million 333 thousand viewers (5,381 points) – 37,720,000 watching hours

📌 Miracle in cell N7 – 3,341 points viewers (Netflix did not provide viewing data at the time of the release)

📌 My father’s violin – 13 million 414 thousand viewers (2,877 points) – 20,390,000 watching hours

📌 UFO – 4 million 473 thousand viewers (464 points) – 6,710,000 watching hours

📌 Godspeed – 2 million 918 thousand viewers (265 points) – the show continues, the number of points will increase – 4,640,000 watching hours

📌 One ticket for tomorrow – 403 points (Netflix did not provide viewing data at the time of the release)

📌 Grunge – 357 points

📌 Have you ever seen fireflies? – 262 points

📌 Last summer – 186 points

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