New acting agency ON Talent

ON Talent
Ayça Ayşin Turan, Demet Özdemir, Melike İpek Yalova, Kerem Arslanoglu, Cansu Tosun, Rami Narin, Ozgu Delikanli, Aytek Sayan and Ali Gözuşirin left Ayşe Barim’s ID İletişim agency and joined the new agency ON Talent, which was opened by their manager Gözde Yilmaz. It should be noted that the Instagram account of the new agency also follows other actors, including İbrahim Çelikkol and Cem Yigit Uzümoglu, but so far they have not confirmed their departure from ID İletişim. The agency also represents the interests of screenwriter Rana Denizer, directors Arda Sarigun and Murat Ugurlu. This is the biggest loss of the Ayşe Barim’s agency and the heaviest financial blow. It seems that the actors preferred a reliable manager and followed Gözde instead of staying with the old agency.