Shock for Ayça Ayşin Turan and Serkan Çayoğlu

Bonds of Destiny / Kader Bağları
Fans of Ayça Ayşin Turan and Serkan Çayoğlu would be disappointed by this news. The series “Grapes of Love / Kader Bağları,” which stars these actors, is slated to be cancelled due to low ratings.
Ayça Ayşin Turan and Serkan Çayoğlu, who came on Turkish television with the new series “Grapes of Love / Kader Bağları,” probably believed that their show would be well received by the audience. However, after three episodes, it was evident that the ratings needed to improve.
Despite widespread support from worldwide fans of the series’ actors, the show proved unpopular with the local audience. In a recent interview with the Turkish press, Ayça Ayşin Turan tried to defend her series, saying, “Although the scripts may appear complex on paper, the characters they depict are ordinary people living in everyday real life.” Scriptwriters’ characters may seem severe at times. Why do they behave exactly as written in the script? How would I react if I were in their shoes? “I enjoy sharing my experiences with the characters.”
Unfortunately, the effort to make their work as good as possible did not help this time. It was disappointment that awaited the actress. As it became known, the Fox TV channel decided to conclude the broadcast of the series after the 5th episode, which is not surprising, as five new shows from the channel are on the horizon, aiming to capture the hearts of Turkish viewers.