The most talked about Turkish celebrities in 2020

Can Yaman and Demet Ozdemir
Most talked about Turkish celebrities in 2020 according to Sociopol. Note that this site provides data based on the results of its own calculations and the publication of its own news, which most likely will not coincide with the data of more serious sources, which will announce that Cem Yilmaz, Hadise, Yilmaz Erdogan, Sahan Gokbahar and others were most discussed in Turkey stars.
1. Can Yaman
2. Demet Ozdemir
3. Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ
4. Engin Akyürek
5. Ayça Ayşin Turan
6. Neslihan Atagül,
7. Çağatay Ulusoy
8. Beren Saat
9. Cem Yilmaz
10. Elçin Sangu